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Emotional Breakdown Leads To Hour Long Cry On The Road

Will Arnett Breaks Down in Tears After Amy Poehler Divorce

Emotional Breakdown Leads to Hour-Long Cry on the Road

Heartbreaking Revelation in Forthcoming News Article

In an upcoming news article, Will Arnett opens up about the profound emotional toll his divorce from Amy Poehler took on him. The former couple, who were married for nine years and share two children, announced their separation in 2012.

Arnett reveals that after the divorce was finalized, he found himself overcome with grief. He confided in a friend that he pulled over on the side of the road and wept uncontrollably for an hour. The realization of the marriage's dissolution and the loss of the family he had built with Poehler hit him like a ton of bricks.

The news article promises to be a raw and honest account of the emotional turmoil that Arnett endured in the aftermath of the divorce. It sheds light on the hidden pain and vulnerability that can accompany even the most amicable separations.
